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Expert in Airport, Cruise port, Station Transfer & City Tours

Shanghai Museum

Shanghai Museum a Unique Place to Visit
Shanghai museum

Shanghai museum is one of the most popular museums in the whole world. It mainly holds ancient arts including ceramics, coin,Chinese bronzes, seals, currency among other ancient arts. The museum also holds articles and other small scale exhibits. It does not only exhibit arts from China, but those from other parts of the world too. There are different halls in the museum and here are some of the things you get to see in these halls.


Calligraphy hall

In this hall, you will see works that date backmany years ago.Here you will experience some of the unique global treasures and the works are displayed following a chronological order. The hall brings in feelings of elegance especially with the automatic lighting that makes the art to shine only when viewing it.


Chinese painting hall

This hall has a conventional architectural style that is combined with a Confucian elegance atmosphere. There are more than one hundred and twenty works exhibited in the space. Here you will find works that dates back from Tang dynasty to the contemporary ones.


Ming and Qing furniture hall

In this hall, you will enjoy viewing Chinese furniture that was designed during the Ming and Qing era. When you walk inside the hall, you will feel as if you were actually present during this era. There
are more than one hundred pieces of the furniture. In this hall, you will learn the differences that exist between pieces that were created during that era and the modern ones.


Underground part

Shanghai museum has an underground part with courtyard gardens that look like real Chinese traditions. Despite that they are found underground, they are lighter in their architecture.


Bottom line

By visiting Shanghai museum, you will not only enrich your knowledge regarding the Chinese culture,but that of other parts of the world. This makes it one of the best places you can visit worldwide.


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